From the blockbuster triple AAAs to the lesser known indie gems, we discuss the games we’re most looking forward to and dying to play sometime this year… right before we share the games we’re playing now and react to the latest gaming news topics!
Level 857 Video Game Podcast Ep-245: What Are Your Most Anticipated Games of 2023?
00:00 – Intro
01:22 – Games Played Discussion
34:15 – YouTuber fought back against Nintendo DMCA notice and won
42:39 – Mounting your PS5 vertically might lead to failure
48:46 – Elden Ring Streamer MissMikkaa Simultaneously Defeated Two Malenias With a Dance Pad and a Controller
56:08 – Legend of Zelda Animated Movie Rumored To Be In Development
1:06:03 – What Are Your Most Anticipated Games of 2023?
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