Level 857 – My Take Reaction | Indi-eShop-Recap | Indie Game eShop Trailer Reactions | February 2020. In this video, we [Eric (BigChoco), Jason (Stikz), Eric (The 23rd Stallion) and Alvin (ALG857)] share reactions, thoughts and impressions after watching indie game trailers for recently released as well as upcoming nindie gems soon to be released on the Nintendo Switch eShop for February 2020 (!
Game trailers featured in this video are:
Knights and Bikes
Zero Zero Zero Zero
Bridge Builder Adventure
Elea: Paradigm Shift
Help me doctor
Glass Masquerade 2 Illusions
Rise of Insanity
Goblin sword
The incredible adventures of Super panda
Reed remastered
3000th Duel
Double Dragon and Kunio lun retro brawler bundle
Under Night In Birth
Blood Will Be Spilled
Tower of Babel no mercy
Ciel Fledge daughter raising simulator
Last Encounter
Brief Battles
King Lucas
One finger death punch 2
Soul Axion
The Level 857 – My Take metaseries features commentary by the Level 857 hosts where they share reactions, impressions and information on game related media ranging from hardware unboxings, live gaming event synopses, local game store visits, tutorials, game rants and reviews!
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**What do you think of the video and this month’s featured indie eshop releases?
Let us know in the comments below!
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Nintendo Acct: Turbo857
friend code: SW-8516-4660-1978
Xbox Live: Turbo857
PSN: Tur-bo857
Nintendo Acct: Stikz
Xbox Live: Stikz
PSN: Stikz857
Nintendo Acct: 23rdStal
Xbox Live: The23rdStallion
PSN: Stal23rd
Nintendo Acct: alg857
Xbox Live: ALG_857
Nintendo Acct: BigChoco
friend code: SW-3149-1279-5502
Xbox Live: BigChoco
PSN: BigChoco857
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#level857 #indiegames #indieshoprecap #trailerreactions #nindies #eshop #nintendoeshop #nintendoswitch #indiegame #reaction #knightsandbikes #underhero #kunai #onefingerdeathpunch2 #goblinsword