Level 857 – Video Game Podcast: Level 29 – Why Sony Shouldn’t Compete With Nintendo Switch. In this podcast, we list and discuss reasons why Sony shouldn’t release a Nintendo Switch hybrid console competitor in the future.
Level 857 is a video game podcast produced by members of the independent hip-hop act, 857 (857ent.com). Outside of their passion for music, Level 857 showcases the group’s broad taste and extreme passion for video games. Podcast topics discussed range from game news, releases, events and announcements.
**Would you like to see Sony release a Playstation hybrid like the Nintendo Switch?
Let us know in the comments below!
*Got a topic or question you wanna see featured in a future podcast? Leave us a comment below or send suggestions to: level857games@gmail.com
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If you’re a fan of hip-hop (but not commercial radio), then you should check us out on the Official 857 Music Channel – also on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/857music!